GIMAC is organized around 6 thematic clusters reflecting the main themes addressed in the Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (SDGEA) SDGE. Each of these clusters, have 1 to 3 organizations designated as focal points depending on the organizations’ area of interest and/or expertise including Youth, Women and Girls Living in Rural Areas and the Elders. GIMAC also has regional focal points to ensure that the interests of all the areas in Africa are represented.
GIMAC is organized around 6 thematic clusters reflecting the main themes addressed in the Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (SDGEA) SDGE. Each of these clusters, have 1 to 3 organizations designated as focal points depending on the organizations’ area of interest and/or expertise including Youth, Women and Girls Living in Rural Areas and the Elders. GIMAC also has regional focal points to ensure that the interests of all the areas in Africa are represented.